How Did Tom Robinson Trial In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson was wrongfully accused of raping and brutally assaulting Mayella Ewell, the daughter of Bob Ewell. Despite Atticus Finch, the attorney and father of Scout Finch, proving that there was no possible way that Tom Robison committed the crime, the jury convicted him. During that time era, racism was still running rampant and equality between races was virtually nonexistent. Tom Robinson had no chance of a fair trial by an all white jury in the same district that segregation and hatred towards blacks was still very strong. So the question is in 2014, would Tom Robinson be found guilty? I personally feel that the trial would have never made it to preliminary hearings. In modern day society, there are many technologies that could have proved Tom Robinson was innocent. A lie detector test, which measure and records several physiological aspects of the human body such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration, while the subject is asked to answers a series of questions, could have been used. Mayella Ewell and Bob Ewell would have never of passed a lie detector test. Mayella Ewell couldn’t even control her emotional behavior on the …show more content…
Skin samples could have been collected from under Mayella’s finger nails. In this day and age, there would have been no way for her to have avoided going to the hospital if police were involved in a suspected rape. A rape kit would have collected any semen or hairs left on her from Tom Robinson. A DNA swab from Tom’s cheek could have created a profile which the evidence collected could have been compared to. They could also take samples of Tom’s hair to compare to any hairs left on Mayella’s body. He could have been ruled out a suspect just by a single hair! Of course since he did kiss her, the possibility that there could have been a hair on her is