How Did Venice Succeed As A City-State

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Pages: 2

Italy, a vast, successful, and an incredibly artistic kingdom is packed with competition. Everyone is competing to get ahead and so were the city-states, but to do that they had to be strong in many if not all areas.To succeed as a city-state like Venice, it was important to be able to expand and defend with a robust military. Another important component is economy; in order to dominate Italy, Venice needed to hold a stable economy, which it did amazingly well! In addition to these components, there is another ingredient that comes into play. Italy is known for its artistry, and Venice with its colossal amounts of art and architecture makes Venice a strong player in competition with the city-states. These elements combined make Venice, irrefutably, the most influential and dynamic city-state in all of Italy. …show more content…
Since a long period of time, Genoa and Venice were equally powerful in trade, which was shared in the eastern Mediterranean. The competition began and, so did the warfare between Genoa and Venice. In 1380, Venice destroyed the Genoese fleet; this naval battle, forever, removed Genoa as an opponent, and Venice once again became the most resilient city-state.Venice was located in a protected harbor, therefore it was not difficult for the army to defend. The military force of Venice, gave Venice complete control of the trade routes in the Mediterranean as well as making it impossible to attack Venice. The efficient military force allowed Venice to expand and increase its dominance over Italy. The defeat of Genoa because of the powerful navy allowed for extended control of the trade in the Mediterranean, thus boosting the city's