How Does Abigail Manipulate In The Crucible

Words: 433
Pages: 2

The definition of crucible is a container used to test various substances at high temperatures. In a sense, this is exactly what happened in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The morality and logic of the town were tested by all of the lies and accusations of witchcraft. One of the leading characters driving the “test” was Abigail Williams. Abigail used the persecution of innocent people to stray others from realizing her own faults.
From the very beginning of the play it is clear that Abigail is the villain. She manipulates not only her friends, but the entire town of Salem, she lies, and even sends 19 people to their deaths. Jealousy and revenge are what drive Abigail’s manipulation. Abigail’s true colors begin to show when she has an