How Does Al-Khwarzimi's Use Of Algebra

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Pages: 2

An advanced compass, the astrolabe, was created and mainly used in the Islam religion for many years. By sketching the sky's "pattern" into the brass plates, the compass was a near copy of the actual sky, creating a map of sorts. The astrolabe was often used by the early Islams to locate the moon, Sun, stars, and planets at certain times during the day. This was such a huge advancement in astrology, that it was even heavily used during the Middle Age, and the Renaissance Era.

Al-Khwarzimi is most well known for his creation of algebra. In his book, "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing" he went through various ways to simplify the mathematics that all of the other countries were using. Algebra was basically created
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Mosaics in the Islam religion were widely popular, but unfortunately, it didn't last. Many, if not all, buildings had mosaics; a series of tiled pieces placed together to create a colorful image. The Arabs invited Byzantine artists from early Russia to come and decorate their buildings and walls and windows, causing a cultural fusion between the Arabs and the Byzantines. A big reminder of the beautiful mosaics that the Islams created is the a shrine in Jerusalem called the Dome of the Rock. The building still glistens today with the colorful tiles from old.

The origin of these writings, are based off of a story about a king whom kills his wives every night before they can do him wrong, because he assumes that all women are unfaithful. The vizier's daughter volunteers to be his next wife when there are no women left, but she survives by telling the king an everlasting story that would keep her alive for one-thousand and one days. All of the stories following this one are meant to be in the time span of 1,001 days less or more. Many of the most famous fables and stories are given credit to this one book of stories that was written by many authors from many different countries. One of the most magnetizing things about