How Does Andrew Jackson Corrupt Power

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Pages: 4

Andrew Jackson: Corrupt Power There are 196 established countries in the world today, each of these countries have their own government systems. There are 6 general types of government systems with each one being ruled a different way. One of the types is called a Republic and is ruled by the people by electing representatives as their voice. One country that has this system of government is the United States of America, which is broken into 3 branches of government. The American people vote in representatives to the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches. Of these three branches the one with the most influential power over the people is the Executive branch. The Executive branch holds the President of the United States and all of his power. The power of the president has long been debated election after election of whether or not he correctly used or if he abused his power in office. One president that has long been debated about is corruptness is Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson well overstepped the boundaries of the Presidential powers while in office. …show more content…
The United States government’s power is to be equally divided up into the three major branches of government, with no one having more say over another, however, during Jackson’s Presidency he went directly against Congress and the Supreme Court. When a President does something that another branch does not allow it to do, he has then become corrupt in his power. This is exactly what Andrew Jackson did during his presidency, who used fear and terror to rule the American people, which he used to lobby against Congress and the Supreme Court. This makes Jackson no better than a dictator in a country with very little established government and something of this nature should have never have happened in an established government, that is “of the people, by the people, for the