How Does Bonnie Violate Electrical Safety Rules

Words: 770
Pages: 4

Bonnie violates OSHA electrical safety rules. She uses a heater that requires an extension cord which could become a falling hazard for others in the office. Bonnie has to plug in the extension cord to another cord which could cause a power surge especially if she is unaware if there are surge protectors on the outlet. Her personal heater may not have been properly checked for frayed wires, cracks in the heater itself, or any other problems which could possibly cause an electrical fire. Also, because she is sitting at a desk who is to say she does not have drinks at her desk throughout the day? Having drinks or any liquid around electrical wires could be very dangerous because if the outlets were to become wet it could cause an electrical fire or could cause electrocution. If Bonnie is going to have liquids around any electrical outlets she needs to make sure that the outlet has a ground fault circuit …show more content…
By taking the heater, he possibly prevented somebody tripping and falling because the cord was stretched from one outlet to another. By having the heater plugged into the outlet she could have caused a power surge which could have damaged some of the electrical wires connected to the power outlet which could have damaged computers and any other electrical devices plugged to the outlet. Another reason being is that the safety officer did not know the condition of the heater. If it had not been previously checked properly for any damage such as cracks or damaged cords it could have posed a threat to the office. A damaged cord on the heater or a crack in the heater could have caused damage to the electrical outlet that could have led to other devices to become damaged as well. I think Bonnie also showed that she was not interested in the safety of the office she worked in. She could have put all of her coworkers and the patients at