How Does Dashiell Hammett Set The Stage For The Rise Of Totalitarianism

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When the stock market crashed in 1929, The Depression opened a door to a new world of writing and styles in the 1930s. There were events that caused stories to be written and plays to be produced. Many believe that this economic trouble set the stage for the rise of totalitarianism in Europe. Totalitarianism is a form of government under which the individual is totally obedient to the stage; most totalitarian states are controlled by dictators. Between the world wars, there were fascist totalitarian dictatorships in Italy and Germany, nationalist dictatorships in several other countries, and a communist totalitarian dictatorship in the Soviet Union. The fascists believed in dictatorial government and forcible suppression of opposition. Fascists also argued that nation and race were more important than the individual, and they established extreme economic and social regimentation. The leading fascist dictators were Adolf Hitler, whose Nazis dominated Germany beginning in 1933, Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco. …show more content…
However, in The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett, we open a door a world to romance, comedy and mystery. The real humor is Dashiell Hammett was a part of a thirty-year affair with Lillian Hellman, a playwright, who was married to her husband for a short-lived seven years, before she continued with Hammett until his death in 1961. The book, The Thin Man, is actually dedicated to this lover of thirty-years. Hellman was a playwright whom was particularly influenced by Hammett’s work. She focused on realism, social classes and economic issues with her plays. Whereas Hammett, an anti-fascist, focused on realism and intellectualized