How Does Evelyn Tell Right From Wrong

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Pages: 3

I believe Evelyn can tell right from wrong because she doesn’t cheat at games and confesses to me when she tells lies. She also knows to follow directions and takes care of her responsibilities (looking after her younger sister Phoebe, doing her chores, taking care of the dog). As a parent, I know that teaching your child to help others and moral rules/ethical codes will develop their moral reasoning. At first, the child might do things to avoid punishment, but will then learn why there are rules and will avoid behaviors because they are wrong. Children follow rules of their parent’s and of teacher’s because they want to be praised and not be punished, not because they see why ruling breaking is bad. I know childhood aggression can be grown out of. It’s also caused by the parent’s type of discipline and imitation of things the child sees on the television, in peers, and in her environment. I can help develop moral reasoning through play; showing Evelyn that sharing, cooperation are important things and knowing there are consequences for your actions. …show more content…
Evelyn might have developed her sexual behavior at a younger age, would have had to grow up malnourished, shown more antisocial behavior and aggression toward my partner and me, or her sister, or her peers growing up. If I were raising Evelyn in such a culture, I would have used more of an authoritarian style because of limited finances, leading a stressful life, more working and less spending time with the kids, and protecting my children against crime and violence around the