How Does Harper Lee Use Social Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 4

In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee it is set in the 1930’s, in a time period where social inequalities are presented in United States; an era where the social injustices portrayed are based upon the standards of one's personal perspective and popular opinion. Harper Lee writes this novel through dramatic and sad conflicts in an old town known as Maycomb. Characters such as Dolphus Raymond who is an outcast in society, Aunt Alexandra who judges within her own race, and Tom Robinson whose life tragically comes to an end because of the inequity ways of the society, uncovers and unfolds the truth behind the social standards one has for another. The social injustices that has impacted Maycomb are ongoing. These injustices are due to racism, discrimination, and inequality which is prevalent in the novel.
Racism is disturbing and changing the lives of the members of Maycomb's society. In Maycomb it is sinful for an interracial couple, nonetheless it is also sinful for a “mixed” family. The children whose parents are not the same race are categorized and left out of society. Mr. Dolphus Raymond confesses, “Secretly, Miss. Finch ,
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The denial of basic rights due to the color of his skin is affecting the outcome of the whole trial. This is believed because the vast majority of Maycomb's society members will not believe an African American over a white American, furthermore Maycomb's members will believe Mayella Ewell due to the fact that she is white, which is an advantage . “Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed”(__). This quote reveals the inequity aspect of the trial; no matter what happened, guilty or innocent, Tom Robinson is not going to be able to prove his innocence. The unfair trial is causing Tom Robinson to die at the hands of those who refuse to believe an African American’s