How Does Lady Macbeth Relate To Be Prepared

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Pages: 5

“Be Prepared” from the film Lion King is perfectly suited to be the track for Act IV in which Lady Macbeth plans the murder of King Duncan to provide her husband with the opportunity to rise to power. The instrumental portion of the song is devious, and the ideal soundtrack for the planning of murder. The lyrics, however, are what really ties the song to the scene best. The words “... prepare for a chance of a lifetime. Be prepared! For the death of the king.” connect to Lady Macbeth coaxing her husband into the idea of doing whatever is necessary to seize the crown, such as murder. The part of the musical text “No, fool! We are going to kill him.” obviously states the whole purpose of the scene, which is setting up the future death of the king. Lady Macbeth …show more content…
The most vital lyrics in the song that would resonate with the audience most are, “So prepare for the coup of the century, be prepared for the murkiest scam. Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning.” Lady Macbeth informs her husband that she will plan all the details of their sinful act. “Be Prepared” sets the mood for Lady Macbeth’s devious manipulations of her husband, and the planning of her malicious grab for power.

“I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from the film Mulan would be an appropriate showtune to have as background music during Act II:ii when Lady Macbeth becomes exasperated with Macbeth for acting like a coward after he murders King Duncan. The lyrics are once again the most vital aspect of the musical piece. After Macbeth returns from Duncan’s room shaken Lady Macbeth attempts to steady him, but becomes angry and frustrated when she notices he forgot to leave the daggers with the chamberlains. She believed there was no way he could fail because she had set everything up so that it be easy for her