How Does Nocodazole Cause Mitosis?

Words: 151
Pages: 1


Microtubule inhibitors and spindle poisons such as nocodazole cause mitotic arrest, mediated by SAC block. As a result of this arrest which cannot happen indefinitely, the cell cannot go through mitosis and so ends up with limited pathways to follow: apoptosis or mitotic slippage. Invariably, if the cells aren’t influenced by microtubule-spindle poisons to undergo mitotic arrest, apoptosis is the general pathway taken. On the other hand, mitotic slippage is the preferred route when drugs like nocodazole are present. Cells that escape mitosis result in tetraploidy that goes unchecked as the cell enters the G1 phase. Abnormal chromosomal numbers in cells lead to apoptosis or necrosis, but the chance of slipping into S phase and