How Does Oedipus Change His Destiny

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Pages: 4

Sophocles presents two main themes throughout the play Oedipus Rex; The role of destiny and one’s choices in their life, the ability of one to change their destiny. Throughout the play, both Oedipus and his parents, try to change his destiny, however, Oedipus still fulfilled it, despite his and his parents efforts. Oedipus’ destiny and choices undoubtedly has a profound effect on his life, which was foretold when an Oracle who told his parents when he was just an infant what horrible things he would do as an adult. Lastly there is the idea that it was not Oedipus’ destiny that ruined him, but his choices to try and change his destiny. In fact, it was his destiny that made him great, and the choices that he made to prevent his predicted destiny that ruined him.
Oedipus’ destiny had been predicted by an oracle while he was still an infant; the oracle said that he when he grew up, he would kill his father and marry his mother, and they were adamant in preventing this horrible fate of his from becoming reality. They never killed him themselves, but instead they gave him to a shepherd tending his flock and told him to do it. Just the same, he didn't kill Oedipus either, but gave him to the messenger, a character later an important figure
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Oedipus’ choices led to the destruction of his family and ruined the chances any of her children ever would have had with a possible spouse. Everyone finding out that he was the son of Jocasta and the killer of Laius screwed over his daughters because they would never be able to be wed, simply because no one would want to marry someone who was procreated by a mother and son. His choices also led to his removal as king and him gouging out his eyes. Although it may not seem so, none of this was a result of his destiny, but rather of the choices he made to try to change his destiny and to discover the truths of his