How Does Oedipus Have A Sense Of Justice

Words: 495
Pages: 2

Everybody has a sense of justice in this world. Oedipus Rex is know to be a tragic hero, and this is because of all the attributes he has as a character. From the very beginning of the play, we see that he cares for the city of Thebes very much. He is worried that his home will perish. Oedipus’s sense of justice begins to take over his entire being once he is told the murder of Laius is living in his domain. His downfall, journey, and lesson begins when he curses the killer and anyone helping him. Oedipus does not realise he is fighting against himself in this battle. To Oedipus, justice means killing the murder of Laius. We have to take in account that he is following the God’s command. He is indeed doing it at free will, but he takes