How Does Power Corrupt In Antigone

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Pages: 1

Corruption of morals occurs when power is misused or in the wrong hands. For example, in the play “Antigone” Creon has the ability to decide whether or not he will kill Antigone. Deciding this was not hard for Creon, although Antigone’s “wrongful” act was burying her brother Polyneices. Earlier in the play, Creon had placed an edict stating that no one shall bury or mourn Polyneices and he is to be left in a field to rot. Creon’s morals were unjust, not only is Antigone, his family but he chose to kill her to keep his reputation intact. Showing weakness is a way of disposing power; therefore, Creon’s decision was based primarily so he would not seem feeble to his people . In the playwrite, Creon states “That piety shown the dead is piety