How Does Robert Mulligan Use Film Techniques Used In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 4

To Kill a Mockingbird essay
Essay question: How does the director, Robert Mulligan, use film techniques to convey a central idea in the film, To Kill a Mockingbird?
To kill a Mocking Bird, is a film set in the Great Depression, in Maycomb County, in which majority of people are pressed for money and the morals of society is to believe that African- Americans are below them and are disgusting. The director, Robert Mulligan, conveys the central idea of racism which causes division through the technique composition; seen in the courtroom scene. In addition Mulligan uses characterisation to demonstrate that racism is unjust, harmful and wrong.
Robert Mulligan, conveys the central idea of racism that causes division, in the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, through the use of composition; which is displayed in the
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In the film, Bob falsely convicts Tom of raping his daughter, Mayella, due to his hatred towards African- Americans, shown through his attitude and the disgust towards Tom, through his actions, in which he spits at Atticus because he was defending Tom. Mulligan, uses dialogue to develop the technique, characterisation through the words of Bob, as he screams aggressively to Atticus. “You Nigga lover”, subsequently emphasising to the audience that Bob has great disgust towards Tom and African- Americans. Bob’s hatred for African- Americans, evident in his actions, dialogue and attitude, and societies morals creates and unjust situation for Tom, subsequently harming him, as he dies, and his family. Robert Mulligan, uses the technique, characterisation to further develop the central idea of Racism, which shown through Tom Robinson, is unjust and