How Does Shakespeare Create Tension In Romeo And Juliet

Words: 337
Pages: 2

In William Shakespeare’s brilliant play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, he addresses love and hope, death and demise, hinting towards the forceful nature of Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love. As seen in Act I, the famous party scene, Romeo, who longs for love, Juliet, who doesn’t have any relationship in mind, met and love at first sight blooms. Then, in Act III, what is seen is a more leisurely relationship, less hasty. Shakespeare’s use of realistic contrasting ideal imagery develops impulsion and reflects star-crossed love. On page 1016, the when Romeo attends a Capulet party, he still dwells on Rosaline, his original yet unavailable lover, but his outlook completely changes when he sees Juliet Capulet. When he is first engulfed in