How Football Changed My Life

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Pages: 5

I was born July 12, 1991. I was a preemie when I was born. So I had to stay in the hospital for a few days but I was healthy to go home. As a kid I always wanted to play sports as soon as I could walk. My favorite sport was football. I loved everything about it. When I'm playing in the games I feel complete. It feels like nothing else in this world gives me the best feeling when I play football. In high school I went to Glenville High School than transferred to Genn Academy. Genn Academy is an all boys school for football players. I wanted to take this football as far as possible. Last year at Genn Academy during the football season we made it all the way to the championship. It was all the way out in Columbus,OH. My …show more content…
We would also get a free toy or hot food when it was over. We as growed up I have kept these memories in my mind ever since. Those days were so fun and it was just so nice how everyday out of the week a bus would come and all you had to do was just wait to get on and you get to learn about God basically right at your doorstep. It was so nice and a wonderful experience that me and my siblings got to endure and just have stories that we could tell to our family and friends one day. The day we met my brother and sister from Jamaica was the happiest day of my life. It's like I can remember that day like it was yesterday. When we were little we would talk to them on the phone and just talk for hours. It was funny every time because when they would talk me and my brother and sisters, we couldn’t understand what they were saying. Their accents were strong; it was like we knew that they were foreign. The summer just started like a few days ago and our mom said to us that we were to have a big surprise that day. Me and my siblings were all so anxious to know what it was. Later, on in that day we saw these two people come in with our mom. We all were just staring like as if we saw a big box full of candy right in front of