How Important Is America's Gift To My Generation

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Pages: 2

Service men and women have served for hundreds of years they gave up their freedom and lives for us to be able to have freedom. They go and they put their lives in danger just for us and some people don’t realize it. The theme is America's gift to my generation and we would might not have a generation without the veterans that fought for us, or at least freedom.

We have a lot of freedoms that other countries don’t have. Like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, Trial by jury,able to have a gun,we are able to go to school. In some countries girls can’t go to school. If we didn’t have a military we would be under a king or something like that. All because of our veterans, we have a country to live in and in my opinion it is the best country ever. America has given us lots of things like life, with liberty and all of our rights in the bill of rights.That all people in America don’t have to worry about somebody trying to take away their rights.
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My uncle and my dad were both in the Marines and my other uncle is in the air force. My dad never went to war, but my uncle that was in the marines he went to some wars and it is scary because you don’t know if they are going to come home or not.I can’t even imagine the parents and family feel when they don’t come home that is why I love all the things that veterans have done for us and that is america's gift to my