How Important Is Grit In Student Achievement Summary

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Pages: 3

In the article “How important is Grit in student Achievement?” by Emily Handford she discusses about Angela Duckworth and her research focusing in a personality trait she calls “grit” Duckworth defines grit as “ sticking with things over the long term until you master them.” If a student has grit then they have a growth mindset because their grit is what gives the student the drive to succeed, to push to be better and to complete things. Can we teach grit to our students?
I believed that teacher always taught grit to students, just that there wasn’t a word for it. According to Duckworth she believed you can learn to have a grit, since it's a personality trait. Which, would make a student have a growth mindset. If a student believe in growth mindset this means they believe in themselves, are willing to work hard and have persistence. The harder they work and the more effort you put in it, the more you will grow. If a student have a growth mindset it can increase the chances to be motivated to conquer on whatever they
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We, as teachers have to teach students in believing on themselves even if the assignment is hard it should get completed. I had a math teacher that I will never forget, she would give us a problem once a week harder than what we was working on. She had us working in pairs and gave us the whole week to try to figure out the answer. On Fridays we all had to have an answer even if it was wrong as long as we can justify why and how we got our answers. Even if our answers were wrong she would praise us on our effort. Having her doing this, made us work harder the following week because we she believed on us which made it believe in ourselves that we can solve the problem. Teacher should focus more on graded our student not so much if they have a correct answer but if the can complete the task and justify why they got the answer. This one of the things that would help them in believe in