How Is Edgar Allan Poe Insane

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Pages: 2

Edgar Allan Poe wasn’t like any other person, there were many tragic things that happened to him throughout his life. Mr. Poe wrote many poems and short stories that were mainly dark because of what happened in his life. We are reading one of his stories called “The Tell-Tale Heart”, this short story is dark and you might say a little odd. In his short story the narrator tries to convince the audience that he isn’t mad or insane, but I think the quite opposite of what he says. The narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is insane because he killed an old man because of his eye, he stalked the man for seven days, and he hid the remains of the man’s body under his house.
The narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” was insane because he murdered a man because of his eye. He also said that the old man never hurt or wronged him. The narrator said the man’s eye was ‘evil’. He said he wanted to get rid of the old man’s eye, but he got rid of much more.
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He stalked the old man for seven days straight. During those seven days he crept into the old man’s room to watch him sleep. Those seven days the narrator was nicer to the man than he had ever been before. When the narrator would sneak into the old man’s room at twelve and just watch him. On the eighth night the narrator said there was something different about the old man. The ‘evil eye’ was open and the narrator said he got a chill. The eighth day was the day he got rid of ‘the eye’. the narrator is insane because he killed an innocent