How Is Nick Carraway Reflected In The Great Gatsby

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“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly” Henry David Thoreau. I would agree with Thoreau for many characters in The Great Gatsby tend to desires that keep them in the past. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald; the author presents the desires of Gatsby, Myrtle, and Daisy, all of them hold them back. This shows us that the American Dream is flawed because we always strive forward but we are still being held back.
It all starts with Jay Gatsby a very wealthy resident of West Egg. In this novel the author presents many desires of Gatsby that keeps him in the past. For example, Gatsby can only think about being with Daisy in the past by Nick saying, “I think that
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Daisy is Tom’s wife and Nick’s cousin who is sophisticated and materialistic. One example, Daisy's hope of staying comfort by money, no matter old or new this is demonstrated in her voice, “Her voice is full of money… That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money” (120). In this quote it brings out Daisy's corruption of reality, that all she represents and wants is to stay full of money and wealth forever. Another example, the desire Daisy has of her daughter that reflects upon herself, “I hope this she'll be a fool-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (17). Daisy herself is not a fool she is smart and knows too much, but she believes that if she was to be a fool she would never have the problems with Tom's affairs and she would have a perfect marriage and life. >>>
Overall in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the characters desires prevent them from moving or looking forward. From Gatsby wanting Daisy and fortune, to Myrtle wanting Tom and wealth, and Daisy overall wanting money and the wish of being a fool. From this one can conclude that the American dream is flawed keeping these characters back. What do you think? Have you ever been stuck on desires keeping you from going forward towards the American