How Is Olivia Presented In The Gopnik

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Pages: 2

Furthermore, the narrator introduces imagination where people use the power of imagination to be fortunate in life. In the Gopnik, he introduces the busy life of new yorkers by imagination, which expresses Olivia's feelings and her complain about her family in life. On the other side, in the Winterson who expressed his dream and his expectation of future by imagining of a pilot. Whereas he travels the world with his family through imagination. Here the narrator is emphasizing the “why” for imagination by giving examples of a character's behaviour from the text. To express the reason of Olivia’s loneliness behind imagination narrator state, “Olivia is grown up in Manhattan, and so Charlie Ravioli has a lot of local traits:... But the most peculiarly …show more content…
A character name Olivia from the text lives in new york, who imagines her imaginary friend ravioli to be busy all the time to expresses a formal new yorker. Here she complains that her imaginary friend doesn't have time for her just as her parents in real life. Here narrator concludes Olivia's imaginary friend is how she feels other treat her in real life where people don't have time for her. In other words, imagination shows how lonely she feels in her real life because her parent doesn't have time for her also they don't even spend time with her cause a feeling of loneliness on her. It is obvious that Ravioli is a figure who reflects Olivia’s loneliness. A behavior of Olivia's parents reflects a formal life of new yorkers, where people have so many friends but don't have time for them, not even for their family. Similarly, Winterson expresses one's expectation of future to travel the world through imagination. To express the dream as a reason behind one’s imagination narrator state, “We had done what the astronauts do, traveled in space that did not belong to us, uncoupled ourselves from time” (Winterson 285). Here, narrator talked about a life and a work of astronaut.