How Is The Cask Of Amontillado Unreliable

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Pages: 2

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe is included in the genre of horror. This author uses unreliable narrators in his books to fill the book with horror and mystery .The crazy or psychopathic narrator helps to make a scarier atmosphere that is displayed with Edgar Allan Poe’s use of description. He uses different elements of styles in his writings, those styles include 1st person point of view, mood and tone, and character development.

The narrator in this story is Montresor;he is unreliable. He is unreliable for many reasons, one being that he is sick with vengeance against Fortunato. You can tell that he holds anger because in the text Montresor said,” I must not only punish but punish with impunity.” This quote helps to explain the