How Is The Mdewakanton Tribe Inhumane

Words: 394
Pages: 2

In September of 1837, the Mdewakanton Dakota Tribe signed a treaty with the American government. The treaty was one of the last stages of President Andrew Jackson’s plan to move all of the tribes to the west of the Mississippi River. Originally, the Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe did not want to sign a treaty giving up their land, but the times were rough and it became their only option. The tribe’s land was scarce to hunt, and they had not yet learned the techniques of agriculture. They realized that in order to live, they would have to sell their land to America. The American government purchased Mdewakanton’s land for almost one million dollars and provided the Indians with food, goods, and tools for farming and agriculture. However, this purchase of land and removal of the tribe is not inhumane as if being on a “Trail of Tears.” …show more content…
The Mdewakanton tribe was seen as “noble savages” that were not entirely reluctant to the idea of being civilized like the Cherokees, Creeks, Chickasaws, and Choctaws from our reading. I understand that the tribes did not want to move away from their lands, but it was necessary in order to survive. Another key part to moving was that their land was no longer successful in hunting game because of competition with other tribes and large game becoming depleted. Due to the decrease in hunting, a new way of life was required through