How Pedometer Affects People

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Pages: 3

Pedometer has been an interest to many people. Pedometer calculate the average step of a person, it indicates how much they having moving throughout the day or week. Many studies were conducted on how pedometer effects people who wears it exercise level. They have concluded that people who owns a pedometer have goals where they record on a diary. The diary will show how much they've walked and if there is a pattern. "Participants who did not keep a diary showed no significant increase in the amount that they walked. Those who did not set walking goals also failed to increase their physical activity."(paragraph 6) Another effect of the pedometer is that it improve a person self-control. "This puts us on firmer ground in saying what we know about the use of pedometers in changing behavior, Bassett said. The …show more content…
It was a life-changing experience for Marcy Ross, who began using a pedometer two and a half years ago. Ross, 54, has clocked over three million steps. She's more fit now. She records the number of steps she takes on the Web site of the group America on the Move. This inspires her to walk instead of drive when doing errands and to get up to talk to a coworker at the office rather than send an e-mail."(paragraph 9&10)
As the first article, explained how pedometer improve people's exercise level, the digger explains how self-control affects our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. "Self-control, or willpower, involves how we regulate our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It helps us to avoid giving in to bad habits or urges. Self-control reminds us to plan, consider alternative actions, and avoid certain behaviors. Any time that you resist a