How To Write An Argumentative Essay On Lord Of The Flies

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Pages: 3

Most people think that children are the most innocent people in the world. We find them the most adorable people in the world and harmless. However, William Golding seems to have a different perspective on this opinion. In the book the Lord of the Flies we find out the truth behind children and the way they can turn out to be when not in a stable society. Here we will find out the outcomes. As the characters get stranded on this island they seem to have a sense on how to create a society. In the beginning of them on the island they choose someone that will be a leader which his name is Ralph. By choosing their leader they seem to have a stable society so far. As time progresses they appear to be growing not fond of each other. Ralph and the other troops decide that a shell would hold a power of some sort and that it would be beneficial to the person holding it. By using this shell the society begins to fall apart. While being on the island the boys seem to show another side of them that we haven’t seen. Jack is another boy on the island that doesn’t quite like the idea of Ralph being leader of the group. He ends up creating his own tribe that doesn’t quite seem to come from harmless place. Jack in the beginning of the book was a harmless person that couldn’t even kill a pig. He knew that it …show more content…
This book was written in 1954 but relates to the present time we are in. President-elect Donald Trump seemed to relate to a character in the book known as Jack. Trump and Jack both seemed to impose fear into people. However, Jack seemed to impose fear with the beast while Trump used race to impose fear. Trump used stereotypes known as: Muslims are all Bombers, African-Americans are all criminals, and Mexicans are going to steal people’s job. While this book took place in the 1950’s it seemed to relate to the present real