Huckleberry Finn Literary Analysis

Words: 268
Pages: 2

Mark Twain uses dramatic irony and point of view to satirize the Grangerford family in Huckleberry Finn by presenting them as a put-together, civilized family, when in reality they’re flawed and almost “savage.” As Huck is examining the Grangerford house, he’s impressed by the quality and appearance of the home. Huck’s impressionability says a lot about character and morality because of the way the family and Huck are seen differently. Huck has little of quality and is criticized for this, which is why he’s so impressed by the Grangerfords, even though he has the purest of character and moral integrity. The Grangerfords, in contrast, have much materialistically, such as art and literature, but still are uncivilized and murderous. Huck admires