Hudson's Bay Company Needs Analysis Essay

Words: 781
Pages: 4

The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was one of the greatest and most powerful companies in the world. Canada’s economic, political and physical development is due to the tireless efforts of the Hudson’s Bay Company. At its prime, the size of the company was huge. It expanded from the Arctic shorelines to the harbors of San Francisco. Currently, the company’s Bay department stores have been struggling at customer service, and management has received negative feedback from the customer regarding the whole customer service experience.

For the above-mentioned problem, I would conduct a Needs analysis, in order to find where and why the performance gap lies and what measures the company can take to fill that gap. The Needs analysis has three aspects; first I will analyze the organizational aspect. In this analysis I will recognize the goals and strategic objectives of the Hudson’s Bay Company and specific goals for the Bay department stores. Also, an analysis of the external environment would be beneficial at this stage, because it will give an insight of competition, new technologies, changing regulations and economy. I will also recognize the resources and the budget available for the sales employees. The reward system is another very important factor of the organizational analysis. How the company rewards its employees on
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Through the person analysis, I will analyze the behavior of the employee and establish if their performance is inline with the standards. The performance that is desired by the company is great customer service, make sure the customer is treated with respect and given full attention. For this purpose, I will evaluate the knowledge skills, abilities and experience of the employee in consideration and how there past performance reviews have been. Second, I will determine the performance gap between desired and actual performance. And, finally identify the obstacles to effective