Human Perfection In The Birthmark And Chasing Beauty

Words: 175
Pages: 1

In The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne and in Chasing Beauty by Nancy Perkins, the concept of human perfection is challenged and the idea of how far humans will go and use science to attain such perfection is explored. In The Birthmark, set in the late 1700’s, a newlywed couple has differing opinions of their ideas of beauty and the measures that should be taken to achieve it. Aylmer is a scientist whose experiments keep failing and he feels the need to prove to himself that he can succeed. He attempts to remove his wife’s birthmark from her cheek and, like his previous experiments, he fails; killing his wife Georgiana. Georgiana on the other hand, sees her birthmark as a beauty mark and believes she has been touched by fairies; but, since