Humanity In The Most Dangerous Game And Being Prey, By Richard Connel

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Pages: 3

Sometimes, humanity can act in strange ways when they are being preyed. In "The Most Dangerous Game," by Richard Connel, Rainsford faces many challenges throughout the story. In "Being Prey," Val Plumwood shares her experiences when she is close to a near death experience. Both of these characters face where their livelihood is at stake. Humans can have different reactions to these type of situations. There are many different ways humanity will react when they are being preyed. In the story, "The Most Dangerous Game," and "Being Prey," Rainsford and Val both have different reactions when they are being preyed. While Rainsford is strategic, Val was compassionate in getting out of the situation; this can show a few examples of how humanity can react.
To begin, as Rainsford is prey to Zaroff, he was able to be strategic throughout the situation. While Rainsford was out in the forest hiding from Zaroff, he was able to use his past hunting knowledge and tactics to help the situation. While hiding, Rainsford was able to quickly make a couple of traps to try and stop Zaroff. Rainsford was also able to show how skillful and
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When Rainsford was prey, he wasn't very compassionate about the situation. He wanted to kill Zaroff and his crew in order to survive the game. He was very cautious about everything he did, but he did it quickly; not caring about the result other than surviving. As Val was being preyed upon from the crocodile, she was able to show how she can be compassionate in the situation. Once Val had seen the lagoon, she knew that she wanted to do everything she could have in order to preserve it. After Val had recovered from the attack, she knew that it had changed her perspective and her life; it had also created a glow- which had inspired her to write books. Val and Rainsford were able to show how they both felt about themselves being preyed