Hunger Games Fanfiction

Words: 1217
Pages: 5

Disclaimer: The Hunger Games is not mine.

This is officially the most chapters I've written for a fanfiction in my 15 years of living.

Yay to me!


I got a nine.

Pretty good for someone that's not a career.

But I wasn't the only one.

Roland had got a ten. He had gotten the target right in the heart, he had informed us.

So of course they gave him a good score.

Then August and Theo had got ten as well.

When I saw those, I felt relief in knowing that I chose good teammates.

Georgia had got eight while Niobe got seven.

I can just imagine people at home screaming that they might win this year.

People in the Capitol are apparently in desperate need to know who we are, says Baxtin. While Aurora says that the careers are shocked
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He's right.


Then I continue walking with my heels and the dress until I finally am able to walk in the heels without tripping, but then he starts making me sit down.

I don't know how much I've fallen out of the chair but I remember Baxtin saying "You're so terrible at this! You're lucky you have your good looks to cover how terrible you walk and sit!"

By the end of the training session. I swear I can't walk normally for days without having to lift my heels so it feels comfortable.

Why do I even have to look good for interviews! I'm just going to look terrible in the games!

When we walk out of the room we were practicing in to go to lunch.

I swear I want to slap that smile off Baxtin's face.

Once we sit down at the table which was occupied by Aurora and Roland.

I get a sympathetic look from Aurora. She knows the pain of heels, thank god I have someone that understands.

Roland just looked concerned for me. I say I'm alright and that he should be glad that he's not a girl, which he quickly agrees