Hypnotical Syllogism: A Conceptual Analysis

Words: 574
Pages: 3

One of my main goals that I would love to accomplish would be to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology. To incorporate my goal into a hypnotical syllogism it would look like this, P1: If I pass all of my classes, then I know I will earn my degree P2: I currently have a 3.9 GPA C: Therefore; I know I will earn my degree

In order to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology you will typically need to complete four years of college or a minimum of 40 college courses. Even though this is my first year in college I have been able to maintain a great grade point average (GPA). My current GPA is 3.9 and I have been recognized by the National Honor Society. This premises clearly supports my conclusion as well as my goal. As long as I continue to do well in school I can accomplish my goal in
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If the argument’s form has a legitimate structure (where the conclusion follows from the premises), then it is valid. If the argument is valid and the premises are also true, then it is sound. When assessing the truth of the premises, however, we need to make sure that the “if” part of the statement is necessarily linked to the “then” part of the sentence”. Boss, J. (2012). As I analyze my life goal, I can clearly see I have a legitimate structure, If I pass all of my classes, then I know I will earn my degree. My conclusion follows my premises; therefore my argument is valid. Since my argument is valid, I need to ensure the premises are also true in order for my argument to be sound. Does my “if” part of the statement directly link to the “then” part of the sentence? Yes it does, If I pass all of my classes, then I know I will earn my degree. Without receiving a passing grade you do not receive any credit for the class; therefore, you cannot earn a degree without passing all the acquired classes. In other words, my argument is valid and