I Feel Like A Piece Of Cheesecake Analysis

Words: 347
Pages: 2

“I Feel Like a Piece of Cheesecake” by Steve Risch, was an interesting view on how a man feels about not being in the limelight. Society seldom talks about how the males in a relationship with a popular female consider themselves. In fact, most of the time the media is focused on “famous couples,” such as actors or sports figures. Rarely do you hear about a couple that only has one “famous” spouse, even rarer one that is a “non-famous” male.
Interestingly, Mr. Risch gave a light-hearted glimpse into his life as a “trophy” husband, when in his own right, he is an accomplished writer. It made me wonder exactly how a regular guy would feel if he had nothing to do in his daily life but to follow his wife everywhere. This is where I believe