ISIS In Beowulf

Words: 512
Pages: 3

In the world today, there exists antagonism among humans. This sense of antagonism arrives when there is a motive. A good example of antagonism in today’s society includes ISIS, an extremist group which carries out terror attacks. ISIS members are people who have the motive to kill others because of hatred towards other societies such as West’s society. This fundamentalist group has carried out attacks in the Middle East and the West and has killed hundreds of people using different methods like planting explosives, beheading, and even burning. These methods suggest a threat to other people around the globe because they show how easy is to attack and not being stopped by anyone. Also, ISIS has been attacking West regularly including countries like France and Belgium. As a result, every person becomes frightened that the next victim will be him, and a state of terror conquers the minds of the innocent people who are enjoying their lives. The sense of antagonism in ISIS can relate to a specific character in the poem Beowulf. Grendel, the antagonist in the poem, becomes mad at the joy of the Danes. The author describes Grendel as a demon who eats man after killing them. Grendel attacks King Hrothgar’s mead-hall, Heorot, every night. As the Danes cannot face Grendel, they sleep in the fear of dying for twelve years. ISIS is …show more content…
No one is supposed feel pleasant based on the group’s thoughts. ISIS takes over other countries which are others’ houses while Grendel takes over the Danes’ hall. The irrational hatred of the militant group leads to serious consequences for many people for years, and the feeling of horror will remain with them. In the poem, Grendel shows the human nature of inner anger towards others. Grendel and ISIS are not the only ones who kill, but they both kill because of antagonism. At the End, they are both outcasts who want to show their presence by impacting others