Identity Disorders In Frankie And Alice

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Pages: 7

Frankie and Alice is a movie based on true events that takes place in Los Angeles, California in 1973. Frankie Murdoch is a 32 years old African American female go-go dancer (stripper) from Savannah, Georgia. Frankie smokes cigarettes and occasionally smokes marijuana and drinks alcohol. She absolutely loves ding dongs and can eat them every day. Edna is Frankie's mother who seems to be very protective of her and at times seems to like Frankie more that her sister, Maxine; which causes Maxine to have animosity towards Frankie.
Frankie seems to demand attention from wealthy men, which may be the reason for her profession. Her fellow coworkers seem to enjoy her company until one night when things turn ugly. First, in the dressing room at work one co-worker calls Frankie a "Genius" for completing a crossword puzzle but Frankie has no recollection of the puzzle and insists it is not her handwriting (Byrge, 2014). Then, her
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At least two of these identities or personality recurrently takes control of the person's behavior; with the inability to recall important personal information that is extensive and can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or general medical condition (complex partial seizures) (Beidel, Bulik, & Stanley, 2014). Dissociative identity is hypothesized that result from traumatic experiences and disordered caregiver. People with dissociative identity disorder try to cope with traumatic experiences by blocking painful events as if nothing ever happened. Blocking events may help some people but the repeated use result in functional impairment (Beidel, Bulik, & Stanley,