Identity In Brave New World

Words: 554
Pages: 3

The society in Brave New World is closer to ours than one may believe. When it comes to personal relationships, society has stopped believing in “traditional” values and has instead turned to what feels good and makes you happy at the moment. Traditionally relationships were meant to lead to marriage. Today people will date for many different reasons such as to have a sense of identity, to feel secure, or simply for physical pleasure. The fundamental basis for the Brave New World society is “Community. Identity. Stability” (Huxley). Brave New World has cut out the idea of relationships so that people will not worry about break ups and no longer feeling secure. Huxley writes that “Everyone belongs to everyone” this gives the people the idea …show more content…
Many of the members do not understand how marriage worked before it was abolished or why a person would want to spend their time with only one person. Many millennials in today’s society are also choosing for forego marriage for a multitude of reasons. Author Antonia Hall says much of this is to blame for the broken marriages many millennials were born into and raised in. She also states that increased amount of student debt leaves the younger generation feeling less financially stable than those before them, making them believe staying single is the way to go. Just as in the Brave New World society, it may be that future generations place less importance on the idea of marriage and choose to delay or forego the walk down the aisle all together. When comparing the relationships in Brave New World to those of the society today, there are many more similarities than one may think. Relationships for younger generations are changing. Younger people are more likely to sleep around rather than finding a committed relationship and those who do enter into long term relationships are more likely to wait on marriage rather than get married so young like generations before