Identity In Shirley Jackson's Short Story 'Charles'

Words: 473
Pages: 2

In the story “Charles” a kindergartner named Laurie makes up a fake name to hide the identity of what he really does in school. “Charles” is a short story about the life of a kindergarten student who has an infant sibling, written by Shirley Jackson. Laurie misbehaved because he did not adjust to kindergarten like other kids did. The dilemma was, he felt he did not receive enough attention from his peers, therefore he acted out to seek attention. The story takes place in the 1950's at his house and kindergarten class. Laurie is a little kid that all he wants is attention and he would do what ever it took to receive it. Laurie wanted attention and in turn he acted out to accomplish this goal. One way he did this was when he, “spoke insolently