Ikigami Case 19

Words: 498
Pages: 2

It's been a wild and emotional ride, but Ikigami has finally come to a shocking and dramatic end.
I first began reading the English release of Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit back in 2009. What began as back to back releases soon became yearly waits for a single volume. Ikigami ended it's original run back in 2012, but eagerly awaiting for a new volume to reach the states has been no easy task.

I'm relieved and a bit sad to say that I've finally made it to the end. After wrapping up vol. 10 last night, I can say with confidence that the final chapter in this emotionally draining series is absolutely perfect.

Without spoiling too much here are the details and my thoughts on the two final episodes of Ikigami.

Episode 19: Entrusted Words

Kengo Fujimoto is starting to rebel against a system that he has struggled with since day one. We're introduced to a bad ass named Mamoru Nakagami who struggles with internal rage as a member of the National Welfare Police. We're also introduced to Naoko Sasamura, an official for the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan who is interested in adopting the National Welfare Act for Japan. Ms. Sasamura also struggles with an emotional situation internally throughout the episode.
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The episode will strike at your emotions like a few episodes from previous volumes, but Kengo Fujimoto's "situation" winds up stealing the spotlight immediately all while a major conflict begins to brew. Episode 19 is an emotionally gripping chapter that fans of the series will both applaud and