Imagery And Symbolism In 'Blood Of Strangers'

Words: 521
Pages: 3

Robert Frost once said,” No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” Frost is trying to show the importance of the author to engage the reader in his or her writings. In “Blood of Strangers” by Frank Huyler, the author shares his personal experiences about being an Emergency Room doctor. Huyler is an engaging writer by employing various strategies such as irony, imagery, and symbolism. This piece of creative writing was also strengthened by Huyler’s ability to give the reader an idea as to what the issue is and subsequently leave the reader with unanswered questions by the end. He accomplished this by leaving out some of the important details in his stories. In the story “Faith,” Huyler …show more content…
The story begins as two men are rushed into the hospital on gurneys. Huyler beautifully helps the reader envision the panic and sounds of the heart-pounding situation. In an effort to paint a picture for the reader, Huyler writes,”…both men screamed as they were rolled in…” and “…the paramedics were urgent, moving quickly and breathing hard” (3). His use of detailed imagery makes the reader feel as if they are spectating the scene at the hospital. The reader can almost hear the screams of the young victim when Huyler mentions,” the volume of his shouts was like a physical force in the small space” (1). Huyler illustrates the irony of the situation when he mentions how the young man who previously killed store clerks was now the one begging for his life. He had no sympathy for the lives he so brutally took, but now he was saying,” Don’t let me die. I don’t want to die” (4). It is also ironic how someone who killed people was now being described as “…as small child” and “speaking in a curiously childlike voice” (7). It is not common for a murderer to be described as being a child and innocent, but rather as hardened criminals with little to no emotion. Huyler also had to face the ethical question of helping a killer get better, but it was his job to do so. Huyler does not feel threatened by the young man and that “…he meant [him] no harm” (7). Huyler’s use of