Immigration Vulnerable Population

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Pages: 5

The immigrants are growing in the U.S population. Immigrants are the fastest growing group in the American population. According to the census, there were thirty two million foreign born, living in the U.S in 2000. Another estimate show that “the U.S. population will increase by 120 million people over the next fifty years “(Goldman, D. P., Smith, J. P., & Sood, N. 2005). Children of immigrants represent 8.6 percent of all children, and 4 out 5 among the children of immigrants are U.S born citizens. Many immigrants are confused about eligibility rules or are concerned about the effects that using benefits may have on their ability to obtain any kind of legal status or become U.S. citizens (Lincroft, Y., & Dettlaff, A., 2010). Many immigrant don't get the proper health care and they are facing many health risks due to being uninsured.
Immigrants are often identified as vulnerable populations. Immigrations populations are at increased risk for at having poor healthcare, and that will lead to many diseases that can be preventable. There are many reasons why immigrate identified as vulnerable populations, such as lack of socioeconomic. Some immigration leaves their country because of escaping domestic abuse, human trafficking,
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(2007, September 1). Immigrants And Health Care: Sources Of Vulnerability. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
Goldman, D. P., Smith, J. P., & Sood, N. (2005). Legal status and health insurance among immigrants. Health Affairs, 24(6), 1640-1653.
Ku, L., & Matani, S. (2001). Left out: immigrants’ access to healthcare and insurance. Health Affairs, 20(1), 247-256.
Lawton, E., Zuckerman, S., & Waidmann, T. (2011, October 1). Undocumented Immigrants, Left Out Of Health Reform, Likely To Continue To Grow As Share Of The Uninsured. Retrieved October 10, 2015.

Lincroft, Y., & Dettlaff, A. (2010, June 1). Children of Immigrants in the U.S. Child Welfare System. Retrieved September 11,