Implications 7 Essay example

Submitted By kaval1411
Words: 1158
Pages: 5

Class Lecture, Text & Materials - Implications
• Turn in this form each week. If you copy it, then use the section headings A-D. • Complete each section separately (A, B, C, D). Do not combine them. • Do NOT copy from the slides, text or materials; use your own words (expect for noting what was confusing in part D). • Include your name, date and module number. • Clarity: Be clear. Do NOT make me figure out what are trying to say. • Keep your paper to 1-2 pages only, font size 12, single spaced. • In the document’s file name include your last name and module #, such as “bieber-module1-implications.doc”

Name: Alexander Kovalenko_______ Course: IS 350 Date: 2/17/2013
Implication for Module # 3
Weekly Topic _______________________________________

Part 1: Class Lecture, Quinn Text & Any Additional Assigned Materials

A. Summary and Significance [3-4 paragraphs]

Summarize the lecture and other materials (if any) for this week.

Profession is formal organization and consists of codes of Ethics. A profession is requiring a high level of education and experience. Professional Ethics is carrying special rights and responsibilities. Codes of ethics are a useful guide to our behavior. Computing Codes of Ethics includes: ACM, IEEE, DPMA, IFIP etc. When you join the ACM or IEEE you implicitly agree to be bound by their rules. Professional Ethics is carrying special rights and responsibilities. A profession is requiring a high level of education and experience. ACM opposed the licensing of software engineers in 1999 because it believed licensing “would not be effective in addressing the problems of software quality and reliability." The aim of computing professionals is to minimize negative consequences of computing systems. Most professions have internally enforced codes of practice that members of the profession must follow, to prevent exploitation of the client and preserve the integrity of the profession. This is not only for the benefit of the client but also the benefit of those belonging to the profession. People have to avoid harm to others.

Summarize the textbook (if any chapters) for this week.

Professional ethics is a system of moral principles, norms and rules of behavior specialist with the characteristics of his profession and situation. Professional ethics should be an integral part of training of each specialist.
The content of any professional ethics consists of the general and the particular. General principles of ethics, based on universal norms of morality, suppose:
a) Be impartial – Clauses 1.02-03, 1.05, 1.07, 3.03, 3.12, 4.01, 6.05

b) Disclose information that others ought to know – Clauses 1.04, 1.06, 2.06-07, 3.01, 4.05-06, 5.05-06, 6.07-09, 6.12-13

c) Respect the rights of others – Clauses 2.02-03, 2.05, 3.13

d) Treat others justly – Clauses 5.06-12, 7.03-05, 7.07, 8.07

e) Take responsibility for your actions and inactions – Clauses 1.01, 3.04-08, 3.10-11, 3.14-15, 4.02, 7.08

f) Take responsibility for the actions of those you supervise – Clauses 5.01-04

g) Maintain your integrity – Clauses 2.01, 2.04, 2.08-09, 3.01-02, 3.09, 4.03-04, 6.06, 6.10-11, 8.08-09

h) Continually improve your abilities – Clauses 8.01-06

i) Share your knowledge, expertise and values

Private principles are derived from the specific conditions of detention and the specifics of the profession and are expressed mainly in the moral codes.
Professional ethics are usually only refers to the type of professional activity, in which there is a different kind of dependence of people on the actions of a professional, that is, the consequences of these actions or processes have a particular impact on the lives and destinies of other people or of humanity. In this regard, by traditional forms of professional ethics, such as educational, medical, legal, ethics scholar, and relatively new, or update the appearance