Importance Of Childhood

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Pages: 4

10. Be a good role model – In order to teach good habits to your child, you have to be a good role model. Never ever fight in front of your child. Respect elders and keep all your things in place. Spend some quality time with your child every day and also make your child interact with other family members.

11. Talk to your child often – Converse with your child as often as you can. When parents are unable to give enough time to their children, the children either indulge in too much TV viewing or look for other ways of attracting attention.

So, if your child shouts or messes around unnecessarily, there’s a big chance, he/she is just craving for your attention. Make it a point to talk to your child about his daily routine and how things were at school. Ask questions and tell him/her about what you did in office. Not only will the child feel that his life is important to you but
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• Respect for elders -
• Politeness
• Honesty
• Valuing time
• Valuing money
• Healthy diet
• Being responsible
• Setting a Routine – Once your child starts going to school, it is of utmost importance for him to have a set routine every day. This will allow him to have appropriate rest, playtime and also give him/her some time to finish his homework and review his lessons. Make it a point to allow your child some free time to do whatever he/she likes and also go for some physical activity. However, you need to flexible and not too rigid with the routine so that your child knows there is room for other things too.
• Good manners – Always inculcate good manners in your child such as greeting people and saying Hello, saying Thank you on receiving a gift or a compliment and apologizing with a Sorry on doing something wrong. Again, you need to model this behavior yourself for your child to see and learn.
• Giving back to the society –
• Play every day -
• Be Thankful -

In her book, Don’t raise your children, Raise yourself, the author, Dr. Swati