Importance Of Mobile Devices In Tourism Industry

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1. Using mobile devices in the Tourism and Hospitality industry
Technology performs an essential role in the travel industry. Both customers and organizations can gain from advances in communication, reservations and guest services systems. Technology permits non-stop conversation and the guest experience, from booking to checkout (Tussyadiah & Wang, 2014). Mobile devices such as iPad, tablet computers, notebooks, and smartphones have adopted as ubiquitous tools in travel tourism (Dickinson, Ghali, Cherrett, Speed, Davies & Norgate, 2012). Tourists plan, purchase and enhance the travel experience through using mobile devices (Kim, Chung, Lee & Preis, 2013). Researchers also mentioned that purchase tourism related product via a mobile website
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Jonhnson (2012) also argued that even not many tourism industry websites along with mobile website version or optimized for mobile devices, the mobile tourism industry still is a potential market for development as that allows travellers to process transactions at any time and while on the go or purchase tourism products. Nowadays, many tourism companies develop their optimization mobile sites for mobile devices and there are studies supported that mobile devices play an important role for tourism and hospitality industry evolution. For example, Scott Durchslag, president of Expedia, distinguished between mobile tourism buyers and other buyers, mobile tourism buyers tend to purchase during the trip and interested in fast purchasing process (60% of reservation issued by mobile users are made on the day of travel) (Kim, Chung, Lee & Preis, 2013). eMarketer (2014) also noted that 54.6% of 128.8 million consumers in U.S who research travel information online via a mobile device and this is the first year that mobile take this majority instead of using a laptop. Mobile devices are recognized as an absolutely critical direction in tourism and hospitality industry. For the long-term development, it will be the core marketing strategy tools for the travel …show more content…
DMOs Websites
The Internet has an effective impact on hospitality and tourism. For many organizations and destinations, tourists usually begin the trip on the Internet first, when an individual sees snapshots of the place and receives a feel of what to expect, it can raise tourists interest and expectation on the destinations. In the hospitality and tourism business, well use of Internet applied into business can improve revenues. Websites, blogs, online advertising, social media, online purchasing and data repositories all assist persuade customers to pick a vicinity or business.

Destination marketing organization (DMOs) is a vital marketing service to promote a destination, the development of DMOs website is considerable as one of marketing strategies to attract travellers (Park & Gretzel, 2007). DMOs website shifted into mobile ready practice in these few years. According to the research generated by Gibbs (2015), there is 36% increase in the use of a responsive website and especially high with the area of U.S., international cities and Canada DMOs. Usually, DMOs are launching the website by using responsive web design and the separate mobile website will be cancelled at the same period. Another study reflecting the popularity of mobile DMOs website bases in North America, in 2016 there is more than 25% of growth rate with the DMOs website has been optimized for responsive