Impressing Essay

Submitted By cwolcott55
Words: 442
Pages: 2

Peacocks often spread their feathers out as big and wide as they can to try and impress other peacocks. They view the peacocks with the biggest feathers as impressive and dominate. When other peacocks are around, they try to impress them, but when they are alone, they have their feathers relaxed. People often spend time trying to impress others by doing things they wouldn’t normally do when they are alone. To any and every individual, the only person worth impressing is his or her self. Just as the peacocks try to impress each other with their feathers, we try to impress other people with the things we buy or wear, and the things we can do. People should spend more time trying to find out what they are capable of rather than trying to show off for others. If everyone would be themselves the world would be a less hostile place. There would be no competing for who is better when there really is no comparison because everyone is different. Sure, there will be people that can do something better than someone else. That is the way life works. The only person someone will have to deal with from birth to death is themselves. People should spend more time improving their skills and confidence instead of showing off in public for someone who may not even give them the time of day any other day. Someone who likes you when you are not showing off and being impressive is the kind of people others should want to be around. If someone lets themselves down the consequence is worse because they see themselves every day. They