In and Out Essay

Submitted By Malina48
Words: 442
Pages: 2

Kimberly Shipley
Professor GibensSpeech 101
29 April, 2014
One example of non-verbal communication in the movie in and out was body movement. Body movement is used in the movie in the beginning when Cameron Drake was walking on the carpet before going in to accept his award. Before the reporter stopped him to talk, Cameron was walking with his girlfriend or woman associated with him. His lady companion kept distance from Cameron, put her hands on her hip, didn’t smile at all and looked like she wasn’t into even going. She acted this way because she was not too impressed about his fans and all the girls screaming for him.
Another example of non-verbal communication in the movie in and out was facial expression. Facial expression was used in the movie in the beginning after Cameron Drake announced that his former teacher Howard Brackett is gay. The doorbell rang and his parents were at the door just staring at their son. They were in confusion. His parents stared at him for an awkwardly long moment then, finally asked if “there was anything he wanted to tell them?” This was asked because they saw the awards show when Cameron announcement was made.
Another example of non-verbal communication in the movie in and out was paralanguage. Paralanguage is used in the movie after the Oscar was received the next school day. When Howard entered the classroom and all his students were just staring at him. After one of his students flew a paper airplane that read “Best actress: Howard Brackett”. After then he calmly asked the class is there anything they wanted to say. After the question of if the announcement was true. His voice rose immensely stating