In The Time Of The Butterflies

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Pages: 2

In the Time of the Butterflies and Social Problems
The movie “In the Time of the Butterflies” tells the story of the Mirabal sisters. Minerva, Patria and Teresa Mirabal were three sisters who played the role of activists during the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. During the dictatorship of Trujillo the Dominican Republic experienced many problems that we have discuss in class; for example, an objective reality of social problems during Trujillo’s regimen was that anyone who was against his dictatorship was seen as a delinquent. As a result, people were afraid to talk or do anything that would be considered against Trujillo because they and their love ones would have been tortured and or killed. The institutionalized deviance of society in Trujillo’s time in power was so intensively organized that people were afraid to talk in their own house because any one could have been an informant to the authorities. Additionally, females did not have any rights; females were expected to stay home and have kids. As a result, when Minerva asked her father that she was going to go to school, in the movie, her father was against it and, subsequently, when she asked Trujillo, El Jefe (The Boss), that she wanted to become a lawyers, career which females couldn’t
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Females were not only unequal to men during Trujillo’s time, but they were inferior in the sense that Trujillo, or anyone with power, had the ability to take any female without her consent or their