Incarceration In Prisons

Words: 598
Pages: 3

The thing we learned in class was on the video 13th documentary on netflix. We learned more on the Incarceration is the act of placing someone in prison. Incarceration serves as a punishment for criminals due to their actions against the law. The mass incarceration is a solution for keeping the public safe. In the prisoners all follow a strict rules and schedules. Their following culture within the walls among other prisoners. When having the results of their crime their are being convicts lose their freedom and are place among others who suffer the same fate. On researcher the incarceration creates psychological problems for incarcerated criminals.

The type Piscat cost of mass incarceration, the prison system costs now account for 1 out
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State corrections budgets often fail to reflect certain costs they have such as employee benefits, capital costs, in-prison education services, or hospital care for inmates covered by other government agencies. In partnership with the Pew Center on the State's, Vera developed a tool to calculate these costs and create a more holistic view of what taxpayers are paying to maintain these systems. While overlooked costs can vary from state to state, Vera’s survey of 40 states found that prison costs were in reality 13.9 percent higher than those states’ combined corrections budgets. This report explores those findings, and our calculation tool, while offering a breakdown of per-inmate costs in each state. It also offers recommendations for reducing these costs without jeopardizing public safety.

Explain the factors that contribute to the problem

As to the factors that contribute to the problem with the case with the cost of mass incarceration, the prison system costs consist on programs and services they use to run their facilities. Prisons say they need more money but yet receive $50 billion a year which is 5% of taxpayers funds. In prison reports it shows that they use their money on programs like elective education programs and vocational-education