Indian New England 1524 Summary

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The thoughts and perspectives of Native Americans who lived in sixteenth century had been written down by some early European settlers, when they first arrived in New England and met indigenous individuals. The book “Indian New England 1524-1674” includes the accounts which were written by men who observed the New England’s Native people in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, these documents are extremely rare to find since there were no Native Indians’ written accounts or women’s written accounts till eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Most of Europeans were explorers, or traders, other were colonists, so none of them had received a proper anthropological training. They used familiar concepts to explain strange institutions, for …show more content…
Europeans arrived to New World coast, including Giovanni de Verrazano, who charted in North America (Newport Harbor in Rhode Island now), Martin Pring at Plymouth, Massachusetts, George Waymouth and his members cruised to Maine coast, etc. In 1524, Giovanni de Verrazano had a first encounter with Native people here. Based on his written account, he stated that he found a large Native Indians population living along the coast, hunting, practicing agriculture. There were different tribes, cultural and political practices, but mostly they grew tobacco, fruits, squash, kidney beans; for the Native Americans who already made a contact with Europeans before they traded with these settlers for knives, fish hooks, and sharpened steel only. Overall, Native Indians in early sixteenth century had first experienced with the newcomers from European countries. Natives were still coarse, uncivilized and uneducated when European found them. Some of the tribes were welcome and gave out their positive attitude toward Europeans and some others were afraid of Europeans. “The people were entirely different from the other we had seen, whom we had found gentle and kind, but these were so rude and barbarous, unable to hold the communication…”, Giovanni de Verrazano stated. We also found that Natives’ land was