Indian Ocean Sea Lane Analysis

Words: 490
Pages: 2

There were many changes and continuities in Indian Ocean Sea Lanes. Some changes to the pattern of trade in the Indian Ocean Sea Lanes are new navigational technology and the spread of disease, and some continuities to the pattern of trade in the Indian Ocean Sea Lanes between 300 CE and 1450 CE are the use of monsoon winds and spread of Buddhism.
A change, to the pattern of trade in the Indian Ocean Sea Lanes is new navigational advancements. Since these lanes were on an ocean, most of the trade corresponded with the sea. The Chinese created the magnetic compass to use as an instrument used for navigation, which helped to distinguish the direction into which you are headed. The astrolabe invented in the Hellenistic world, is another useful navigational instrument that helps to pinpoint the sailors location. These advancements occurred to facilitate sea travel in an easier and timely way.
A change, to the pattern of trade in the Indian Ocean Sea Lanes is the spread of disease. The Bubonic Plague first broke out in China and spread through the northern trade routes along the Eurasian steppe. There were also the diseases small pox and the measles that decimated Europe. A passenger who may have contacted the infection would board the boat and throughout the voyage spread the germs of the disease that they ran upon or
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The monsoons made Indian Ocean commerce possible. The seasonal monsoon winds helped trade in areas near the Indian Oceans. Sailors used monsoon winds because depending on the season they are traveling, that is the direction the winds would push the boats in. Indian Ocean commerce increased in the era of the classical civilizations during the early centuries of the Common Era, as mariners learned how to ride the monsoons. The continuity occurred because the monsoon winds we were consistent in helping the sailors to reach their destination and never