Individualism Vs. Collectivism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Words: 297
Pages: 2

In Anthem, Ayn Rand describes Individualism and Collectivism as two complete opposites. Individualism has a whole different philosophy than Collectivism. Rand favors Individualism over Collectivism in Anthem. The differences in Collectivists and Individualists outlook on life are completely diverse. Both, Individualism and Collectivism have benefits and drawbacks when used in a culture. Although, Individualism seems to be a better society there are some flaws. The main idea of individualism is the freedom of the “I”. As used in Anthem the sacred word “ego” that Equality discovers is what Individualism represents. We don’t realize it but we take our type of society for granted. A major drawback in this society is that the government entails